Saturday, February 26, 2011

He does it again!

At the risk of making my blog one of those blogs that sound like that girls life is way to good to be true I've decided to post this anyway. Jon has been sick as a dog for the last few days. Yesterday he even stayed home from work. I can only recall him doing that once or twice in our entire marriage and with this being Tax season it is a big deal. I felt so bad for him that I just had him sleep all day. Seriously for over 30 hours he could not get out of bed. He drifted in and out of sleep. So, he must have heard some of what the day in the life of me was like.

Example: Doing laundry-

  1. Fold 2 pieces of laundry
  2. Brake up a fight
  3. Fold 2 more pieces of laundry
  4. Grab a drink for one of the girls and even though they just had one 5 min. ago they will die without another one, but I realize it is not worth the argument
  5. Fold 2 more pieces of laundry
  6. The boys see the girls with a drink and start ripping it from their hands, the girls scream, I try to find clean sippy cups to give them. and then I get 2 min. of peace.
  7. Bound and determined to get the laundry done I ignore any sounds for the next 2 minutes and finish folding the laundry.
  8. I start to go upstairs to put laundry away as I step over the gate to start up the stairs all 3 little ones chase after me and start screaming because they want to come. Generally I say forget it and just put the clean laundry on the stairs and decide to put it away later but today I have a weeks worth piled up so I drag all the kids upstairs with me and start putting away the laundry.
  9. After hanging 2 articles of clothing I hear screaming and break up what ever was going on.
  10. etc..etc...etc...
So I guess after hearing what my days are like and not being able to help Jon thought pretty highly of me. I love it when he looks at me with amazement. So when he woke up this morning his comments made me feel like a million bucks. "I don't know how you do it babe.", "You can't get sick cuz your the most important one here." He also decided that he was going to by me a vitamixer. I have wanted one of those for as long as we have been married. I haven't decided if I will let him by me one or not but I still feel good that he thinks that my job at home is hard enough that he wants to relieve some of my burden by buying me a vitamixer that will help with dinners. I am so grateful for my awesome husband!

As I read over this I realized that I made it seem like my kids are unbearable. That is not the case. This was just a bad moment in a bundle of moments where Allie says, "I yuh you mommy" (I love you mommy). Asking Brooklyn don't you want to play with your friends. Brooklyn says, "No Just Allie and my brothers!" These girls melt my heart. Then the boys who scream for attention and I sit down and give them a hug and I get nothing but laughs and hugs. My children are amazing too!


Tiffany Alldredge Smith said...

You ARE amazing!! Love ya!!

The Moore Family said...

You are amazing Jaimee. I know I have four kids too, but yours are all so close in age then when I have watched them for you I too gain appreciation for all you do, because 3 babies is really, really hard. And you rock it.

Jessica said...

Just read Becca's blog and saw a picture of you with dark brown, straight hair! Loved it so much that I had to catch up on your blog too, and comment to tell you!!

Jessica said...

Just read Becca's blog and saw a picture of you with dark brown, straight hair! Loved it so much that I had to catch up on your blog too, and comment to tell you!!