Tuesday, November 6, 2012

My Thoughts on the Election

I made the effort to vote so I can complain if I want to. Crap! Our country has officially decided that getting what they want in the moment officially outweighs making the sacrifices necessary to get us out of debt. I am sad for our country. We will now have to deal with the consequences. I am sad because I feel there is no turning back from this entitled attitude we have acquired. I remember Obama saying in one of the debates that the wealthy has enough to spare and that others are entitled to what they have. I hate that word entitled. That has been Obama's platform from the beginning. Sure it sounds appealing but it leads to destruction. Sacrifice is what this great country was founded on and I feel that as a country we are extremely disappointing the founding fathers. I remember when my parents could barely pay the bills. They were grateful for help when it came but certainly never expected it. My dad mowed lawns and my mom worked nights at a hospital for little pay so we could have health insurance for the family. I was to young to understand at the time but now appreciate their sacrifice and hard work. I want to make it clear that I was not a fan of Romney either but Obama has failed in his 4 years and I had at least a little hope Romney could fix a few things.Now I better start praying because we are going to need all the prayers we can get!!!

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